/*! * * MediaElement.js * HTML5 and shim and player * http://mediaelementjs.com/ * * Creates a JavaScript object that mimics HTML5 MediaElement API * for browsers that don't understand HTML5 or can't play the provided codec * Can play MP4 (H.264), Ogg, WebM, FLV, WMV, WMA, ACC, and MP3 * * Copyright 2010-2014, John Dyer (http://j.hn) * License: MIT * */ // Namespace var mejs = mejs || {}; // version number mejs.version = '2.18.0'; // player number (for missing, same id attr) mejs.meIndex = 0; // media types accepted by plugins mejs.plugins = { silverlight: [ {version: [3,0], types: ['video/mp4','video/m4v','video/mov','video/wmv','audio/wma','audio/m4a','audio/mp3','audio/wav','audio/mpeg']} ], flash: [ {version: [9,0,124], types: ['video/mp4','video/m4v','video/mov','video/flv','video/rtmp','video/x-flv','audio/flv','audio/x-flv','audio/mp3','audio/m4a','audio/mpeg', 'video/youtube', 'video/x-youtube', 'video/dailymotion', 'video/x-dailymotion', 'application/x-mpegURL']} //,{version: [12,0], types: ['video/webm']} // for future reference (hopefully!) ], youtube: [ {version: null, types: ['video/youtube', 'video/x-youtube', 'audio/youtube', 'audio/x-youtube']} ], vimeo: [ {version: null, types: ['video/vimeo', 'video/x-vimeo']} ] }; /* Utility methods */ mejs.Utility = { encodeUrl: function(url) { return encodeURIComponent(url); //.replace(/\?/gi,'%3F').replace(/=/gi,'%3D').replace(/&/gi,'%26'); }, escapeHTML: function(s) { return s.toString().split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('"').join('"'); }, absolutizeUrl: function(url) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = 'x'; return el.firstChild.href; }, getScriptPath: function(scriptNames) { var i = 0, j, codePath = '', testname = '', slashPos, filenamePos, scriptUrl, scriptPath, scriptFilename, scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), il = scripts.length, jl = scriptNames.length; // go through all