/** * Google Analytics : GA4 and Universal-Analytics * * @author businesstech.fr - https://www.businesstech.fr/ * @copyright Business Tech - https://www.businesstech.fr/ * @license see file: LICENSE.txt * * ____ _______ * | _ \ |__ __| * | |_) | | | * | _ < | | * | |_) | | | * |____/ |_| */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } // Use case consent mode if (btGapTag.bUseConsent == true) { if (btGapTag.bUseAxeption == 1) { function launchGoogleAnalytics() { gtag("js", new Date()); gtag("config", btGapTag.gaId); } void 0 === window._axcb && (window._axcb = []); window._axcb.push(function (axeptio) { axeptio.on("cookies:complete", function (choices) { if (choices.google_analytics) { launchGoogleAnalytics(); } }); }); } else if (btGapTag.bUseAxeption == 0) { // Handle the consent on click function handleConsent() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: btGapTag.ajaxUrl, dataType: "json", data: { ajax: 1, action: "updateConsent", token: btGapTag.token, }, success: function (jsonData, textStatus, jqXHR) { // Use case to send directly the event after the ajax and not wait the page reload // Init the tag after the consent gtag("js", new Date()); 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}, }); }); }); // Send the default carrier on the page load $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: btGapTag.ajaxUrl, dataType: "json", data: { ajax: 1, action: "sendCarrier", idCarrier: $(btGapTag.elementShipping + ":checked").val(), token: btGapTag.token, }, success: function (jsonData, textStatus, jqXHR) { gtag("event", "add_shipping_info", { currency: "" + btGapTag.tagContent.currency.value + "", value: btGapTag.tagContent.value.value, coupon: btGapTag.tagContent.coupon_name.value, shipping_tier: jsonData.sCarrierName, items: aData, }); }, }); } // Use case add payment method if (btGapTag.tagContent.tracking_type.value == "add_payment_info") { let aData = []; if (btGapTag.tagContent.contents.value != []) { btGapTag.tagContent.contents.value.forEach(function (data) { aData.push(data); }); } // Handle the carrier data for tag on click update $(btGapTag.elementPayment).each(function (index) { $(this).on("click", function (event) { gtag("event", "add_payment_info", { currency: "" + btGapTag.tagContent.currency.value + "", value: btGapTag.tagContent.value.value, coupon: btGapTag.tagContent.coupon_name.value, payment_type: $('label[for="' + $(this).attr("id") + '"]') .text() .trim(), items: aData, }); 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} else if (typeof event.resp.id_product !== "undefined") { idProduct = event.resp.id_product; } if (typeof event.reason.cart.products_count !== "undefined") { qty = event.reason.cart.products_count; } else if (typeof event.resp.quantity !== "undefined") { qty = event.resp.quantity; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: btGapTag.ajaxUrl, dataType: "json", data: { ajax: 1, action: "cartPageList", id_product_attribute: idProductAttribute, id_product: idProduct, quantity : qty, token: btGapTag.token, }, success: function (jsonData, textStatus, jqXHR) { gtag("event", "add_to_cart", { currency: "" + jsonData.currency + "", value: jsonData.value, items: jsonData.data, }); }, }); } } ); } } } });